Хочу доделать Сталкера ТЧ. Вернуть локации Мертвый город, Дарк Скейп, и заброшенную деревню. Оружие - п90(сделано), ПКМ(сделано),
Мак 10(нет), ручной гранатомет(нет). Активация артифактов(сделано) добавить для каждого артефакта свой худ(нет).Сделать ремонт(есть) но не мгновенный а например с счетчиком времени(нет).Детекторы как В ЧН и ЗП(нет)
Локации с ЧН и ЗП(нет) Вернуть всех монстров и аномалии. Хорошая модель ТОЗ 34(нет)Стандартная с квадратами и резкими возвышенностями на руках.Вступать в групироки(есть) поднимать уровень и управлять сталкерами в групперовке(нет). Хорошая Графика (нет). Просить о помощи если ты ранен(нет). Для костюмов с масками и противогазами свой вид от первого лица и соответственно разные руки как в ЧН и ЗП(нет). Шатание оружия при ходьбе(нет). Выброс как в ЗП(нет). Неписи используют аптечки(нет) обыскуют трупы(нет) если близко бьют в лицо(нет) кидают гранаты(я отредактировал чужой скрипт в лучшую сторону теперь все класно) используют нож(нет) захвтывают территории(нет). Да и еще в игре вырезаны стационарные пулеметы за которые садишся и стреляеш(нет).Добавлено (13.12.2009, 18:19:29)
Детекторы на пояс как Артефакты. Все редоктировал сам. Удалите все с фаила misk и вставте все это.У меня патч 1.0004. если у вас не будет работать ставте себе этот патч.Из всех патчей этот самый лучший.
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\bread_a"
cform = skeleton
class = II_ATTCH
visual = weapons\bred\bred.ogf
cost = 20
inv_name = "bread"
inv_name_short = "bread"
inv_weight = .3
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 11
inv_grid_y = 9
attach_angle_offset = -0.287979, 1.560923, 1.544060
attach_position_offset = 0.096910, -0.013594, 0.107925
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\bread"
;$prefetch = 32
class = II_FOOD
cform = skeleton
visual = weapons\bred\bred.ogf
description = enc_equipment_food_bread1
inv_name = Bread
inv_name_short = Bread
inv_weight = 0.2
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 11
inv_grid_y = 9
cost = 4
attach_angle_offset = -0.287979, 1.560923, 1.544060
attach_position_offset = 0.096910, -0.013594, 0.107925
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.0
eat_satiety = 0.05
eat_power = 0
eat_radiation = 0
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = 5
; food item
slot = 4
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\kolbasa"
$prefetch = 8
class = II_FOOD
cform = skeleton
visual = weapons\kolbasa\kolbasa.ogf
description = enc_equipment_food_kolbasa1
inv_name = Kolbasa
inv_name_short = Kolbasa
inv_weight = 0.3
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 19
inv_grid_y = 12
cost = 65
attach_angle_offset = 0.440521, 1.378287, -0.644026
attach_position_offset = 0.104196, -0.010821, 0.076969
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.0
eat_satiety = 0.07
eat_power = 0
eat_radiation = 0
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = 7
; food item
slot = 4
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\kolbasa_a"
cform = skeleton
class = II_ATTCH
visual = weapons\kolbasa\kolbasa.ogf
cost = 50
inv_name = "kolbasa"
inv_name_short = "kolbasa"
inv_weight = .3
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 19
inv_grid_y = 12
attach_angle_offset = 0.440521, 1.378287, -0.644026
attach_position_offset = 0.104196, -0.010821, 0.076969
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\conserva"
;$prefetch = 32
class = II_FOOD
cform = skeleton
visual = food\conserv1.ogf
description = enc_equipment_food_conserva1
inv_name = Conserva
inv_name_short = Conserva
inv_weight = 0.2
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 9
inv_grid_y = 13
cost = 15
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.0
eat_satiety = 0.1
eat_power = 0
eat_radiation = 0
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = 2
; food item
slot = 4
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
attach_angle_offset = 0.440521, 1.378287, -0.644026
attach_position_offset = 0.104196, -0.010821, 0.076969
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\vodka_a"
cform = skeleton
class = II_ATTCH
visual = weapons\vodka\vodka
cost = 100
inv_name = "vodka"
inv_name_short = "vodka"
inv_weight = .5
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 2
inv_grid_x = 5
inv_grid_y = 2
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
attach_position_offset = 0.087266, -0.078540, 0.052360
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\vodka"
;$prefetch = 32
class = II_BOTTL
cform = skeleton
visual = weapons\vodka\vodka
description = enc_equipment_food_vodka1
ef_weapon_type = 0
inv_name = Vodka
inv_name_short = Vodka
inv_weight = 0.4
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 2
inv_grid_x = 5
inv_grid_y = 2
cost = 11
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
attach_position_offset = 0.087266, -0.078540, 0.052360
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
slot = 4
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.0
eat_satiety = 0.01
eat_power = 0
eat_radiation = -0.1
eat_alcohol = 0.1
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = 6
; food item
slot = 4
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
break_particles = explosions\explosion_bottle
break_sound = material\bottle\collide\bottle_break_1
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\guitar_a"
cform = skeleton
class = II_ATTCH
visual = Equipments\item_guitar.ogf
cost = 35
inv_name = "guitar"
inv_name_short = "guitar"
inv_weight = 1.5
inv_grid_width = 4
inv_grid_height = 2
inv_grid_x = 10
inv_grid_y = 19
attach_angle_offset = -1.651084, -1.341824, 1.200789
attach_position_offset = 0.077492, -0.030020, 0.090059
attach_bone_name = bip01_l_hand
auto_attach = false
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\harmonica_a"
cform = skeleton
class = II_ATTCH
visual = Equipments\item_harmonica.ogf
cost = 35
inv_name = "harmonica"
inv_name_short = "harmonica"
inv_weight = 0.35
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 11
inv_grid_y = 2
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, -1.204452, -1.262921
attach_position_offset = 0.081856, -0.035081, 0.011694
attach_bone_name = bip01_l_hand
auto_attach = false
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\antirad"
$prefetch = 32
class = II_ANTIR
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_antirad.ogf
description = enc_equipment_medi_antirad1
inv_name = Antirad
inv_name_short = Antirad
inv_weight = 0.09
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 18
inv_grid_y = 12
cost = 65
; eatable item
eat_health = 0
eat_satiety = 0
eat_power = 0
eat_radiation = -2.0
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = 1
; food item
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\medkit"
$prefetch = 8
class = II_MEDKI
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_aptechka.ogf
description = enc_equipment_medi_medkit1
inv_name = Medkit
inv_name_short = Medkit
inv_weight = 0.15
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 6
inv_grid_y = 14
cost = 70
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.4
eat_satiety = 0
eat_power = 0.0
eat_radiation = 0.0
wounds_heal_perc = 0.0
eat_portions_num = 3
eat_max_power = 0.0
; food item
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\medkit_army"
$prefetch = 8
class = II_MEDKI
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_aptechka3.ogf
description = enc_equipment_medi_medkit2
inv_name = Medkit_army
inv_name_short = Medkit_army
inv_weight = 0.15
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 16
inv_grid_y = 20
cost = 90
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.6
eat_satiety = 0
eat_power = 0.0
eat_radiation = 0.0
wounds_heal_perc = 0.0
eat_portions_num = 3
eat_max_power = 0.0
; food item
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\medkit_scientic"
$prefetch = 8
class = II_MEDKI
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_aptechka2.ogf
description = enc_equipment_medi_medkit3
inv_name = Medkit_scientific
inv_name_short = Medkit_scientific
inv_weight = 0.3 ;0.2
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 14
inv_grid_y = 20
cost = 120
; eatable item
eat_health = 1.0
eat_satiety = 0
eat_power = 0.0
eat_radiation = 0.0
wounds_heal_perc = 0.0
eat_portions_num = 4
eat_max_power = 0.0
; food item
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
$spawn = "food and drugs\energy_drink"
inv_name = energy_drink_name
inv_name_short = energy_drink_short_name
visual = equipments\drink_nonstop.ogf ;equipments\drink_stalker.ogf
description = enc_equipment_energydrink
cost = 11
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 19 ;19 ;11
inv_grid_y = 7 ;7 ;0
inv_weight = 0.17
eat_health = 0
eat_satiety = 0
eat_power = 0.3
eat_alcohol = -0.3
eat_radiation = 0
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = 1
eat_max_power = 0.3
attach_angle_offset = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
attach_position_offset = 0.087266, -0.078540, 0.052360
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\bandage"
$prefetch = 8
class = II_BANDG
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_bandage.ogf
description = enc_equipment_medi_bandage1
inv_name = bandage
inv_name_short = bandage
inv_weight = 0.11
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 3
inv_grid_y = 18
cost = 20
; eatable item
eat_health = 0.0
eat_satiety = 0
eat_power = 0.0
eat_radiation = 0.0
wounds_heal_perc = 0.5
eat_portions_num = 9
; food item
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "devices\binocular_a"
cform = skeleton
class = II_ATTCH
visual = weapons\binoculars\wpn_binoculars.ogf
cost = 0
inv_name = "binocular"
inv_name_short = "binocular"
inv_weight = .54
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 16
inv_grid_y = 12
attach_angle_offset = 3.080506,-1.493053,-1.202040 ;устанавливается в радианах Angle*PI/180
attach_position_offset = 0.080000,0.021273,0.100000
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "devices\pda"
$prefetch = 16
class = D_PDA
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_pda.ogf
description = enc_equipment_devic_device-pda1
radius = 50;0 ;75
slot = 7
inv_name = PDA
inv_name_short = PDA
inv_weight = 0.3
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 6
inv_grid_y = 13
cost = 20
attach_angle_offset = 3.080506,-1.493053,-1.202040 ;устанавливается в радианах Angle*PI/180
attach_position_offset = 0.080000,0.021273,0.100000
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "devices\torch"
$prefetch = 32
class = TORCH_S
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\light_night.ogf
description = enc_equipment_devic_device-torch1
cost = 100
inv_name = device-torch
inv_name_short = device-torch
inv_weight = 0.32
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 16
inv_grid_y = 12
;вещью нельзя торговать
can_trade = true
position = 0.35,0.25,0.0
light_trace_bone = cone_bone
attach_angle_offset = 0, -3.14, 1.6
attach_position_offset = 0.115, 0.00, 0.07
attach_bone_name = bip01_head
auto_attach = false
night_vision = on
night_vision_texture = wpn\wpn_night
night_vision_effector = postprocess_night
snd_night_vision_on = weapons\nv_start
snd_night_vision_off = weapons\nv_off
snd_night_vision_idle = weapons\nv_loop
snd_night_vision_broken = weapons\nv_off
night_vision_recharge_time = 6 ;© время зарядки аккамулятора
night_vision_recharge_time_min = 2 ;© мин. время зарядки аккамулятора, после которого уст-во уже может работать
night_vision_discharge_time = 20 ;© время разрядки (работы) устройства после полной зарядки
slot = 9
disabled_maps = ai_test,ai_test2, andy_test_
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "devices\detector_simple"
$prefetch = 32
class = D_SIMDET
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_datchik1.ogf
description = enc_equipment_devic_detect1
radius = 7 ;15
buzzer_radius = 1.5
noise = zone_mosquito_bald ;detectors\geiger_noise_loop
buzzer = zone_mosquito_bald ;detectors\DA-2_alarm_loop
slot = 11
ef_detector_type = 1
inv_name = Detector
inv_name_short = Detector
inv_weight = 0.3
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 9
inv_grid_y = 14
cost = 500 ;30
belt = true;
default_to_ruck = false
;описание распознаваемых детектором зон
zone_class_1 = zone_radioactive
zone_sound_1_ = detectors\geiger_1
zone_sound_1_1 = detectors\geiger_2
zone_sound_1_2 = detectors\geiger_3
zone_sound_1_3 = detectors\geiger_4
zone_sound_1_4 = detectors\geiger_5
zone_sound_1_5 = detectors\geiger_6
zone_sound_1_6 = detectors\geiger_1
zone_sound_1_7 = detectors\geiger_1
zone_sound_1_8 = detectors\geiger_1
zone_min_freq_1 = 1
zone_max_freq_1 = 20
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "devices\detector_advanced"
$prefetch = 32
class = D_SIMDET
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_datchik2.ogf
radius = 10 ;15
buzzer_radius = 1.5
noise = zone_mosquito_bald ;detectors\geiger_noise_loop
buzzer = zone_mosquito_bald ;detectors\DA-2_alarm_loop
ef_detector_type = 1
night_vision_particle = damage_fx\heli_burn
;описание распознаваемых детектором зон
zone_class_1 = zone_mosquito_bald
zone_sound_1_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_1 = 0.1 ;0.5
zone_max_freq_1 = 40
zone_map_location_1 = anomaly_zone_location
zone_class_2 = zone_mincer
zone_sound_2_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_2 = 0.1
zone_max_freq_2 = 20
zone_map_location_2 = anomaly_zone_location
zone_class_3 = zone_radioactive
zone_sound_3_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_3 = 1
zone_max_freq_3 = 20
zone_map_location_3 = anomaly_zone_location
zone_class_4 = zone_gravi_zone
zone_sound_4_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_4 = 0.5
zone_max_freq_4 = 30
zone_map_location_4 = anomaly_zone_location
inv_name = Detector
inv_name_short = Detector
inv_weight = 0.3
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 15
inv_grid_y = 7
cost = 1000 ;30
belt = true;
default_to_ruck = false
slot = 11
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "devices\detector_elite"
$prefetch = 32
class = D_SIMDET
cform = skeleton
visual = equipments\item_datchik3.ogf
radius = 10 ;15
buzzer_radius = 1.5
noise = zone_mosquito_bald ;detectors\geiger_noise_loop
buzzer = zone_mosquito_bald ;detectors\DA-2_alarm_loop
ef_detector_type = 1
night_vision_particle = damage_fx\heli_burn
;описание распознаваемых детектором зон
zone_class_1 = zone_mosquito_bald
zone_sound_1_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_1 = 0.1 ;0.5
zone_max_freq_1 = 40
zone_map_location_1 = anomaly_zone_location
zone_class_2 = zone_mincer
zone_sound_2_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_2 = 0.1
zone_max_freq_2 = 20
zone_map_location_2 = anomaly_zone_location
zone_class_3 = zone_radioactive
zone_sound_3_ = detectors\geiger_click3
zone_min_freq_3 = 1
zone_max_freq_3 = 20
zone_map_location_3 = anomaly_zone_location
zone_class_4 = zone_gravi_zone
zone_sound_4_ = detectors\DA-2_beep1
zone_min_freq_4 = 0.5
zone_max_freq_4 = 30
zone_map_location_4 = anomaly_zone_location
inv_name = st_detector
inv_name_short = st_detector
description = st_detector_descr
inv_weight = 0.3
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 5
inv_grid_y = 14
cost = 1500 ;30
belt = true;
slot = 11
attach_angle_offset = -0.160570,-1.425061,-0.361283
attach_position_offset = 0.160570,-0.060214,0.020071
attach_bone_name = bip01_l_hand
auto_attach = false
fire_point = 0.0, 0.0, 0.06
fire_bone = bip01_head
orientation = 0, 0, 0
position = 0, 0, 0
visual = weapons\vodka\vodka_hud.ogf
anim_idle = vodka_2
anim_show = vodka_1
anim_hide = vodka_4
anim_play = vodka_5
anim_prepare = vodka_5
anim_eat = vodka_3