Суббота, 02.05.2009, 05:36:53 |
My name is Strelok Оффлайн
Ранг: Разведчик
Сообщений: 229
Награды: 18
Репутация: 222
Регистрация: 24.03.2009
Город: Иваново
Здесь пишем что вы хотите добавить/изменить в мод(е) АMK 1.4.1. + NLC 5.07 + НС3 + Солянка от Wawka + аддоны. Начну я. Чтобы сделать так, чтобы броня в трупах всегда появлялась, нужно в файле death_manager в папке script заменить вот эти строки: if sect~=nil then if sect == "bandit_outfit" or sect == "outfit_bandit_m1" or sect == "bandit_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "bandit_veteran_outfit" or sect == "bandit_master_outfit" or sect == "novice_outfit" or sect == "neytral_novice_outfit_m1" or sect == "neytral_novice_gaz_outfit_m1" then otf_1 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1, 650) if otf_1~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_1",1,otf_1.id) end elseif sect == "stalker_outfit" or sect == "killer_outfit" or sect == "outfit_soldier_m1" or sect == "svoboda_light_outfit" or sect == "svoboda_gaz_outfit_m1" then otf_2 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1, 550) if otf_2~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_2",1,otf_2.id) end elseif sect == "dolg_outfit" or sect == "dolg_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "ecolog_outfit" or sect == "outfit_dolg_m1" or sect == "outfit_killer_m1" or sect == "killer_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "specops_outfit" or sect == "outfit_specnaz_m1" or sect == "monolit_outfit" or sect == "monolit_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "stalker_guard_outfit" or sect == "outfit_stalker_m1" or sect == "outfit_stalker_m2" or sect == "neytral_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "neytral_gaz_outfit_m2" or sect == "svoboda_heavy_outfit" or sect == "svoboda_heavy_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "outfit_svoboda_m1" then otf_3 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1, 450) if otf_3~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_3",1,otf_3.id) end elseif sect == "dolg_scientific_outfit" or sect == "ecolog_outfit" or sect == "protection_outfit" or sect == "merc_scientific_outfit" or sect == "military_outfit" or sect == "militaryspec_outfit" or sect == "monolit_scientific_outfit" or sect == "scientific_outfit" or sect == "freedom_scientific_outfit" then otf_4 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1, 350) if otf_4~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_4",1,otf_4.id) end else otf_5 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1, 250) if otf_5~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_5",1,otf_5.id) end на эти: if sect~=nil then if sect == "bandit_outfit" or sect == "outfit_bandit_m1" or sect == "bandit_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "bandit_veteran_outfit" or sect == "bandit_master_outfit" or sect == "novice_outfit" or sect == "neytral_novice_outfit_m1" or sect == "neytral_novice_gaz_outfit_m1" then otf_1 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1000, 1000) if otf_1~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_1",1,otf_1.id) end elseif sect == "stalker_outfit" or sect == "killer_outfit" or sect == "outfit_soldier_m1" or sect == "svoboda_light_outfit" or sect == "svoboda_gaz_outfit_m1" then otf_2 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1000, 1000) if otf_2~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_2",1,otf_2.id) end elseif sect == "dolg_outfit" or sect == "dolg_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "ecolog_outfit" or sect == "outfit_dolg_m1" or sect == "outfit_killer_m1" or sect == "killer_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "specops_outfit" or sect == "outfit_specnaz_m1" or sect == "monolit_outfit" or sect == "monolit_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "stalker_guard_outfit" or sect == "outfit_stalker_m1" or sect == "outfit_stalker_m2" or sect == "neytral_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "neytral_gaz_outfit_m2" or sect == "svoboda_heavy_outfit" or sect == "svoboda_heavy_gaz_outfit_m1" or sect == "outfit_svoboda_m1" then otf_3 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1000, 1000) if otf_3~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_3",1,otf_3.id) end elseif sect == "dolg_scientific_outfit" or sect == "ecolog_outfit" or sect == "protection_outfit" or sect == "merc_scientific_outfit" or sect == "military_outfit" or sect == "militaryspec_outfit" or sect == "monolit_scientific_outfit" or sect == "scientific_outfit" or sect == "freedom_scientific_outfit" then otf_4 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1000, 1000) if otf_4~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_4",1,otf_4.id) end else otf_5 = create_items(self.npc, sect, 1000, 1000) if otf_5~= nil then amk.start_timer("outfit_cond_5",1,otf_5.id) end Всё радуемся!!! Чтобы в трупах выпадало такое кол-во денег какое было у живого нпс при разговоре в меню торговать. Нужно зайти в файл lootmoney в папке script и заменить вот эти строки: if npc_rank == "novice" and deadmoney >=40 then deadmoney=math.random(25,40) elseif npc_rank == "experienced" and deadmoney >=50 then deadmoney=math.random(40,50) elseif npc_rank == "veteran" and deadmoney >=60 then deadmoney=math.random(50,60) elseif npc_rank == "master" and deadmoney >=70 then deadmoney=math.random(60,70) end на эти: if npc_rank == "novice" and deadmoney >=99999999999999999999999 then deadmoney=math.random(1,99999999999999999999999) elseif npc_rank == "experienced" and deadmoney >=99999999999999999999999 then deadmoney=math.random(1,99999999999999999999999) elseif npc_rank == "veteran" and deadmoney >=3700 then deadmoney=math.random(1,99999999999999999999999) elseif npc_rank == "master" and deadmoney >=5600 then deadmoney=math.random(1,99999999999999999999999) end Произошёл вылет при обыскивании его трупа, он состоит в том что:плохой аргумент random. Сообщите как вылечить или отключить эти вылеты(разрабы это сделали для проверки всяких функций, так зачем в игре оставили, как будто нам это нужно.) Кто знает как сделать так чтобы пда всегда выпадало, а то как ни ставил я единицу в файле death_items_by_communities в папке misc (она в папке config) ничего не получалось(всё равно не всегда выпадали). 
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